Hi loves.
So sorry its been months sense I've posted on this blog. I've had so much going on lately from working up to becoming a Youtube Partner to another play to getting ready to apply to colleges. It's been a long hard road over these past few months but I'm glad to be right in the middle of it. And I'm glad to get back into blogging at this important time of my life to share this wonderful and stressful college experience with you all.
I've been doing semi-regular videos on youtube, you can find the link to my channel on my last post. If you want to watch my videos and maybe want to comment of subscribe, feel free. Also, if any of you lovely people do youtube and want more people to be friends with and collaberate and such with, feel free to let me know :)
I'm taking a very challenging course load this semester and it'll only be worse for next semester where I take 6 of the same classes and add one more history class. I ever have classes on Staurday morning which makes it really hard for me to keep up with my job; luckly, I work for my dad, so I won't get fired.
As far as University is concerned, I'm pretty ready to go. Looks like I'll be studying at Oregon State University where I am going to major in Political Science (International Relations) and double minor in Pre-Law and History (But one of those is still up in the air to be replaced with education? -Ugh!)
My life right now is all about my classes and making sure I stay as on top of all my work and studying as I physicaly can. I will try to post more on this blog because I've given it to a couple of universities as a way to see my personality and then realized that it's not as up-to-date on the latest in the life of Alisha.
Much Love from the state of constant rain
-Alisha <3